Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Wow!! What a couple of weeks. After returning from vacation, I have been covering for someone else at work on vacation, and my time has disappeared from me.

We made a trip to the NY State Fair last week (I was disappointed with it- there was not a lot to hold my interest on the day we went.)

I have been working on polishing my story to get it ready for submission. A BIG thanks to all of you who have helped by reading it and finding my errors/typos. I have one more read through to do and then I need to design my cover and I will be ready to publish it. Yea!!!!

School starts up again next week, so hopefully I will have some more time back to get things done. With DS home I have added an hour of travel to my work day so I can leave him with Grandma. (It works out in the long run, but boy does that hour add up). We are all hoping this will be a great school year.

September is looking to be a quiet month for us, but October will be busy. I have training classes in Albany, we'll take our last camping trip, and then a friend and I are taking a girls only weekend away to Ohio to see Eric Church and Christian Kane in concert.

We are scheduling a trip to a least one Renaissance fair and making arrangements to see Tran- Siberian Orchestra before Christmas. This has become a yearly concert that we do- if you have never seen it I highly recommend it. The show is absolutely awesome. Cool lights, great music, a story to go with it.

Somewhere in all of this, I will get the first story finished and the second one ready. And maybe I'll get my attic cleaned out so I can buy a new keyboard. (I promised myself a keyboard as a reward for cleaning up a place to store it- boy do I miss having one.) As they say, "It never stops."

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