Thursday, October 29, 2015

I'm Doing a Thunderclap Campaign!!!

I know it's #TBR Thursday, but I just found out from my publisher that Quest of the Hart will be FREE November 10-30.

I really wanted to take advantage of getting the word out about this free offer, so I created a Thunderclap Campaign.

If you'd like to help me spread the word, click the picture below and choose your way of support: Facebook, Twitter, and/or Tumblr. And that's all you have to do. My pre-made post (visible in the picture) will go out to your Facebook, Twitter, and/or Tumblr account on November 10.

Thanks bunches in advance for helping me spread the word!!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Guest Post- Eric Price

Today, Eric Price stops by to give us a sneak peek at the cover for his upcoming release and to share an excerpt from The Squire and the Slave Master.

My favorite cover artist in the world is C. K. Volnek for two reasons. First, her covers are amazing: check them out here. Second, she designed the cover for my first two books with Muse it Up Publishing.

The award winning Unveiling the Wizards’ Shroud (CLC’s Best First Novel 2014) chronicled Yara, Owen, and Cedric’s quest to revive King Kendrick from a dark, magical spell. After the adventure to save King Kendrick, for Yara, everyday life has grown monotonous. The dull work of learning her father’s blacksmithing trade, and the pressure from her parents to decide what she plans on doing with her life, has her nerves so stressed she snaps at her father’s slightest teasing.

Lucky for her, a surprise messenger from the castle brings the king’s request for her to join a collaborative mission between the Central and Western Domains of Wittatun to stop a recently discovered slave operation in a land to the west. King Kendrick and Owen want her to accompany the mission as a secret weapon disguised as a squire. 

She has to keep secret not only her magical abilities from any possible traitors, but also her gender. The people of the Western Domain have a superstition prohibiting girls from sailing. But a chill wind carries the distinct odor of sabotage. Can one girl survive to destroy an evil rooted much deeper than mere slavery?

“I don’t know  how long I’ll be gone.” Yara cut the fat from an emmoth rib. “I don’t suppose anyone knows. It will take as long as needed to end the slavery.”

Her mother pushed her mostly untouched meal around her plate. “I’d prefer you didn’t go. It sounds dangerous.”

“Mother, these people are engaging in slavery. Not farm animals forced to work, they’re humans.”

“I understand. I’m not saying we shouldn’t intervene. I’m just not sure why you have to go.”

“King Kendrick and Owen think an undercover magician could give us an advantage. I agree with them. Besides, I want to go. I need to get away from here for a while. Plus, I’m an adult now. You can’t tell me what to do.” Chancing a glance at her father, she hoped she hadn’t upset him again. Their earlier argument had been mostly in jest, but the comment she made about her brother must have stung.

Instead of looking angry, he leaned back in his chair and chewed his emmoth meat. When he finished, he grinned. “Don’t get upset, Kamala. At least she told us she planned on leaving this time.”

"When I left in search of Owen and Cedric, I didn’t have time to tell you. This time we have a plan.” Yara chewed her last piece of rib meat. She’d snuck out after her parents had turned in for the night.
She could usually count on her father to have a level head…when he wasn’t provoking her about a woman’s place in the world.

Her mother cleared her uneaten food from the table. “I don’t presume to tell you what to do. I just want to make sure you’ve considered all the aspects of the mission.”

 “To the best of my ability, I have considered all aspects. First, I have to travel as a boy. Aside from my appearance, I shouldn’t have trouble with this. My best friend is a boy, and I’ve never had much interest in girly activities. And why would I? As a child, playing with dolls couldn’t compare to chasing piglets through the muddy stockyards.”

Her mother’s eyes lightened for the first time that evening. “You also don’t care much for washing clothes. If you did, you’d have realized most of the mess you got into in the stockyards wasn’t mud in the truest sense.”

She laughed. “Fair enough. Now my second concern, while traveling as a boy, I’m best to not get caught. Big burly men, out to sea for several days, may have more interest in a helpless girl than just someone to whom they could confide their deepest secrets.” She grinned, raised her hand above her head, and caused a blue flame to burst forth from her palm. “Good thing I’m not a helpless girl.”
As long as they don’t attack me in my sleep.

Her father collected the dirty dishes.

Yara helped him clear the table. “If I can keep my façade, the trip should sail by, so to speak. Once we get to Buisna, we’ll have to find the ruler of the slave operation. I suppose this could present itself as a difficult task, but at least I won’t have to do it alone.”

Of course there’s always the question of what we’ll find in Buisna. Why does a country the size of the Western Domain need our help? How large is this new country? How many people are there to fight? The military of the Central Domain is weakened from the attack by the Wizard Rebellion. Why would King Kendrick decide to send troops at a time like this? Do they know, or suspect, more than Owen told me?

With the table cleared of dishes, Yara stretched and yawned. “Now, if you don’t mind, I think I’ll retire to bed early tonight. Shoeing that horse wore me out, and I need to get some thorough rest before my training tomorrow.” She hugged her mother. “Everything will work out. King Kendrick and Owen will have a strategy planned for the whole mission.”

A loud, rapid knocking at the front door startled her. Answering it, she found Owen standing with a man about his same size but a few years older, donned in the armor of the King’s Sentry.

Owen glanced around the room, his eyes wide and observant but clear of any panic. “Yara, you have to come to Innes Castle now. The plans have changed. You’re leaving tonight.”

Reserve your copy today at:

Links for Unveiling the Wizards' Shroud:
Muse It Up
Barnes & Nobel
OmniLitApple iTunes

Eric Price lives with his wife and two sons in northwest Iowa. He began publishing in 2008 when he started writing a quarterly column for a local newspaper. Later that same year he published his first work of fiction, a spooky children’s story called Ghost Bed and Ghoul Breakfast. Since then, he has written stories for children, young adults, and adults. Three of his science fiction stories have won honorable mention from the CrossTime Annual Science Fiction Contest. His first YA fantasy novel, Unveiling the Wizards’ Shroud, received the Children’s Literary Classics Seal of Approval and the Literary Classics Award for Best First Novel. His second novel, The Squire and the Slave Master, scheduled for a Fall 2015 release, continues the Saga of the Wizards. He is a member of SCBWI. Find him online at

Thursday, October 22, 2015

It's here!!! #New Release #Free Book!

Two years ago Quest of the Hart, the first book in the Princess of Valendria series, was released by MuseItUp Publishing. Charmed Memories and Different Kind of Knight, the next two books in the series, followed across the next year.

Now, I'm super excited to announce that my short story collection from the Princess of Valendria series has released. Currently it is only available through MuseItUp, but it will be coming to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and other retailers soon!

If you can't wait for it to reach your favorite retailer, MuseItUp offers versions for every reader. So, head on over to MuseItUp, add Valendrian Nights to your cart, and DON'T FORGET to add promo code: VALENDRIAN to get it for free! Yes, that's right. Free.

I'd really appreciate it if you'd spread the word to all your friends who enjoy fantasy or princess stories. And if you'd drop an honest review at your favorite review site, that would be awesome!

Book Blurb:
Meet the princesses and princes from the Princess of Valendria series in this collection of short stories.

Duty, Honor, and Love
When Prince Devlin learns he must marry his enemy, he accepts his duty, but does someone else in his family have plans to ruin the peace?


Princess Kaylee arrives in Breneira and finds her betrothed isn't the old man she pictured. Maybe bringing peace to their feuding kingdoms is possible after all.

(The story continues in QUEST OF THE HART)

Love Letters
Can two strangers fall in love through letter writing? Prince Trevor hopes the letters he exchanges with his betrothed will at least allow them to become friends before marrying.

The Woodland Guide
Lady Bri is excited to be considered as Woodland Guide for King Rhys of Palindore. More importantly, she's hoping to find a clue to unraveling the missing pieces of the last four years of her life.

(Find out what happens in CHARMED MEMORIES)

Becoming First Knight
For years, Princess Gabrielle has trained to become First Knight. The day for the oath taking ceremony has finally arrived, but will all the knights vote for her to claim her birthright?

Stolen Moments in Time
Fate can be cruel. At least that's what Prince Brody believes. When he and Princess Gabrielle meet during a moonlit stroll, will he forge a new destiny or cling to the one that is being ripped away from him?

(Read the conclusion in DIFFERENT KIND OF KNIGHT)

MuseItUp (Use promo code VALENDRIAN to get it for free!)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Guest Post- Erin Rhew

Today I'm excited to be hosting Erin Rhew. Erin is celebrating the release of The Fulfillment (Book 3 of The Fulfillment series). Congrats Erin!

Thank you, Mary, for hosting me to on my blog tour for The Fulfillment Series! ((HUGS)) Hello to all of Mary’s followers!!

Today Mary asked me to write about my inspiration for The Fulfillment Series, its world, and the characters. Before I delve into that topic, I’d like to say that I believe inspiration can be found anywhere. All aspects of life—the good, the bad, and the ugly—can be a springboard for creativity. I challenge you all to look at the world, the people, and the art around you. Let your mind wander. Let your imagination soar.

I can’t exactly trace the origins of The Fulfillment Series to any one thing or person. The inspiration for it came more from a collection of ideas. One night, as I watched a movie based on Arthurian legend, the words Ethereal and Vanguard popped into my mind, and I just knew they were two warring nations. Over the next few days, character names joined the two kingdoms: Layla, Wil, Nash, Samson. A story took root. At the time, I’d been reading the Game of Thrones series by George R.R. Martin. I liked the idea of combining olden times (castles, kings, queens, etc.) with fantastical elements, so I think reading that series definitely influenced my story. When I sent out my query letters, I labeled The Fulfillment Series “Game of Thrones meets Arthurian legend.”

After the idea sprung to life, I wrote a brief three-paragraph synopsis and sent it to my friends. These four ladies eventually became my Dream Team and a source of great inspiration and accountability for me. I asked them if the little blurb I wrote would be a story they’d be interested in reading. All four gave an enthusiastic “yes,” so I started writing. Whenever I found myself stuck in the story or on a logical hang-up, I called one (or sometimes all four) of my Dream Team Members to ask for help.

Sometimes when I am creatively stumped, I seek inspiration from artistic sources that spark my imagination—books, arts, television, movies, etc. I love that moment when I’m watching or reading a really great story, and I feel my own creative juices start flowing. Ideas form—sometimes in a trickle, sometimes in a torrent—and before I know it, I’m back on track.

I encourage you to go out and experience the world: fall in love, get your heart broken, make mistakes, take risks, go on adventures, talk to fascinating people, sit in silence and ponder, pursue a seemingly impossible dream. Let all those moments, all the people you meet, all the beauty you encounter serve as muses for your own art.

Thank you again for hosting me, Mary! I hope everyone will give The Fulfillment a read!

The Dream Team (left to right: Danielle Craver, Dawn Ward, Ginny Hunsberger, and Kim Sharp. I’m kneeling!)

Back Cover
Layla’s world tumbles out of control when she discovers the truth of her parentage and realizes the Prophecy—the one she upended her entire life to defend—is incomplete. When her new friends share the entire Prophecy, the revelations contained within it alter her destiny and challenge everything she and Wil believe in. Now, she must confront the Outlander queen to save the Ethereal kingdom while grappling with this new reality.

Tortured and imprisoned, Nash accepts his fate and offers the First Ones the one thing he has left to give: his life. In a desperate attempt to save the people he loves most, he surrenders himself to the Outlander queen and a destiny darker than he could have ever dreamed possible.
 Wil, tormented by the consequences of his choices, realizes he may never be able to uphold his end of the Prophecy. His mistake casts a deep, foreboding shadow over his kingdom and those he loves, while its ripples threaten to shatter both the Prophecy and everything he and his family have sworn to protect.
 In this epic conclusion, lives are lost, kingdoms clash, friendships are tested, and love and fate collide.

Buy Links

About the Author

Erin Rhew is an editor, a running coach, and the author of The Fulfillment Series. Since she picked up Morris the Moose Goes to School at age four, she has been infatuated with the written word. She went on to work as a grammar and writing tutor in college and is still teased by her family and friends for being a member of the "Grammar Police."

A Southern girl by blood and birth, Erin now lives in a rainy pocket of the Pacific Northwest with the amazingly talented (and totally handsome) writer Deek Rhew and their “overly fluffy,” patient-as-a-saint writing assistant, a tabby cat named Trinity. She and Deek enjoy reading aloud to one another, running, lifting, boxing, eating chocolate, and writing side-by-side.

Find her online:

Twitter: @ErinRhewBooks
Goodreads The Prophecy:
Goodreads The Outlanders:
Goodreads The Fulfillment:

Rafflecopter Giveaway:

Monday, October 12, 2015

#Inkripples- Fears/Things That Go Bump in the Night

Can you believe it's the second week of October already? This year seems to be flying by faster and faster!

With Halloween at the end of the month, our theme is Fears/Things That Go Bump in the Night. Don't miss Katie and Kai's posts!!

Now, for my true life, bump in the night tale.

I love Halloween, mostly because I've never outgrown playing dress up! As a child I eagerly looked forward to carving pumpkins (or decorating with shoe polish) as well as dressing as a princess or an old-fashioned ice skater and going trick-or-treating. Yes, I was a girly-girl.

To this day, I still vividly remember when I was six, and my brother took me trick-or-treating. It was a dark and chilly night, with a hint of rain in the air. We were walking across a lawn from one house to another and I stepped in a hole. I looked down and could see light around my foot and was completely convinced some demon monster was trying to drag me to hell.

It took my brother some time to convince me that it was just a light in the hole and that I was safe. And then he spent more time convincing me to finish trick-or-treating. I don't remember the rest of the night, but that moment is seared into my memory.

How about you? Do you have any bump in the night tales from your childhood? Share in the comments below, or on your blog and share the link in the comments. Be sure to tag #inkripples in your promotions so we can find you!!


Ripples in the Inkwell is a themed meme hosted by Mary Waibel, Katie L. Carroll, and Kai Strand. We post on the second Monday of every month. If you would like to participate compose your own post regarding the theme of the month, include any of the images displayed on this page, and link back to our three blogs. Feel free to post whenever you want during the month, but be sure to include #inkripples when you promote so readers can find you. The idea is that we toss a word or idea into the inkwell and each post is a new ripple. There is no wrong interpretation.

October: Fears/Things That Go Bump in the Night
November: Remembrance /Thankfulness
December: Celebration /Gifts

Monday, October 5, 2015


It's been a busy couple of weeks for me. In addition to the travel hockey season starting (and HS hockey starting this past weekend!) I've managed to finish the first draft of The Boyfriend Dilemma, book 2 in The Boyfriend Novella series. I couldn't have done it without the help of my awesome CP's who were eagerly awaiting chapters each week. Thanks Katie, Meg, and Katie!!

I've also outlined the sequel to Faery Marked, and have begun work on that. I hope to have a draft done by the end of November...maybe sooner if the Muse and life are cooperative.

In the meantime, I binged watched Vampire Knight last week, and it renewed my desire to learn how to draw Manga. So this weekend, I bought a book on drawing Manga and have marked several pages on to use as well. I'll post some pictures of my progress soon.

Now that you know what I've been up to, what have you been up to? I'd love to hear all about it!!