Wednesday, January 26, 2011

WCC Wednesday

Thanks for the helpful comments yesterday.  My opinion is you should always have someone who has read your work tell you if it is similar to another author, as they are much more objective about your writing than you are.  I'll let you know in the future what I've decided to do in the query letter.

On to today's post.

Over the weekend I sat down and did some plotting for my current WIP The Ruby Dagger.  I have a hard time writing without any plan of where I am going.  I will say I made it 6 chapters without an outline, but I hit a wall and needed the guidance the loose frame I created will give me.  I know where I am going, but haven't sat down to write out the scenes yet.  Work and life have been keeping me busy this week.  I will get to them in the next few days, though!

Trisha is continuing on with her WIP's and I am enjoying reading her writing and learning from her as I read.

Fiona has listened to our comments (we're doing a weekly internet chat with Trisha and my friend Jackie) and is considering how to adapt them into her WIP.

I've let the ball drop again with Katie.  I missed last weeks chapters, but hope to get two out to her this week.

How are your WIP's coming along?  Are you making progress?  Is life interfering with you?

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