Monday, June 4, 2012

Summer Box Office

Summer is almost upon us, and the silver screen has been lighting up with the block busters. Here's a list of some movies I am looking forward to taking in during the hot summer days:

Snow White and the Huntsmen
The Hunger Games (No, I haven't seen it yet)
The Avengers

What movies are you looking forward to seeing?


  1. If I lived closer, we could make a girl's night out of seeing Snow White and the Huntsman. It is on the top of my list too.

  2. I want to see Snow White and the Huntsman -- looks fun! I have no doubt I'll be at Brave, as well as the new Diary of a Wimpy Kid and Madagascar 3 with my kids. they already saw Avengers and LOVED it:) HAve a great week Mary!

  3. I will be taking my son to see Brave. The previews have me hooked. :)


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