Monday, January 18, 2010

50th Anniversary Party

This post is a few days late, but better late than never.  Saturday I had the privilege of hosting a party for my parents 50th Anniversary.  In an age when many couples don't make it to ten years, fifty seems like a miracle.  Congratulations, Mom and Dad.  I am proud to be able to share this moment with you.

When they married in 1960, they didn't have a big wedding or a reception.  Knowing this I made sure they had a wedding type cake to cut.  We did photos of the cake cutting and everything.

When making the cake, I tried a recipe I hadn't made before.  When I removed the cakes from the pans, two of the four crumbled.  I tried to piece them together and stack them anyway, but it made a big mess.  So, I pulled out a box mix and decorated that instead.  The second time was a charm.

So, what do you do with cake that  didn't come out right?  We set it up with the other cake and served it.  It looked awful, but tasted better than the box mix.  We served it to anyone who wanted it, and it was the first to go.

In addition to the cake, I worked on a video of photos of them across the years, and played it on the TV for everyone to see.  I think I had as much fun making this as my parents had watching it.

Congratulations, Mom and Dad!!!! Here's to many more!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone. 

Last year was a good year for us.  We made several camping trips with friends and spent time with family.  We all enjoyed good health, for which I am very grateful.  We purchased a new car and made repairs on the SUV.  I went on a road trip to a concert and came back with an internet full of new friends.

2010 looks to be another fun year for us.  My parents will be celebrating their 50th anniversary on the 15th of January.  They are taking a trip to Florida with friends who are also celebrating their 50th anniversary.  Congratulations to all of you-- you give the rest of us something to work towards.   In honor of my parents accomplishment, we are hosting a party for them and I get to make the cake.  I will be breaking out the decorating kit and hitting the stores this week for supplies.  They didn't have a reception when they were married (at least not that I've heard of) so I'd like this to be special for them.

In August we are looking forward to hosting a camping trip with our internet friends.  We planned it for the weekend of the Spiedie Fest and Balloon Rally.  Details for the rally can be found here.
What is a spiedie you ask?  Well, the answer is here.

Of course, I plan to keep working at this blog (and I have pictures to post here soon!)  I also am working on the writing.  I have posted two Leverage fan fiction works at Leverage Fan Fiction as Tweety14.   I have a story done that I am considering self publishing or trying to publish through a publishing company.  I am still looking into both options and will keep you posted on what I decide to do.  I have another story in the works that I am working on the opening of.  Watch for snippets here and let me know what you think.

My nephew will be graduating from boot camp at Fort Knox this month, too.  Hoping we can take a road trip to see it.  I am also looking forward to making other trips to see new and old friends. 

As for resolutions:

1) Take off weight and keep it off with healthy diet and exercise.
2) Publish/submit a manuscript
3) Have fun with friends and family

Hope that your 2010 is full of many fun filled days.  Feel free to post your resolutions in the comments.