Thursday, September 15, 2011

Award and Guest Post

Thanks to Kate Couresy of Weaving Colors for the lovely Liebster Award. This award is given to a blogger with less than 200 followers who then passes it on to five of their followers with less than 200 followers.  According to Babelfish, Liebster means Dearest.  So, here are some of my dearest bloggers with under 200 followers:

Michelle Pickett at Michelle Pickett, Author

Graeme Smith at Graeme's Blog

Fiona Claire at The Ageless Druid

Kathryn Sheridan Kupanoff at Everything Boho

For the fifth, I would like you to name a blogger in the comments section you believe deserves this award.

Now, for the Guest post.  My son has been writing on and off over the last year, and he has asked me to share the following poem with all of you.  Enjoy!


  1. hee hee... too cute! Bravo to your son! I say KC McKendree at Imagine Today deserves the award. Sorry I don't have her link off hand.
    Congrats to you tho, Mary! Your blog is growing all the time!

  2. Your son nailed character motivations!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Aww, Mary, thank you! That was so sweet. I've never heard of the award (too much of a newbie), but I appreciate it so much!

    And your son is awesome. Tell him we all think he's brilliant. :o)


  5. Lady Michelle

    You honour me too much (but thanks anyway!) After all, I'm just...

    The Idiot
    :-P :-).

    Oh - and Lady PK! Hi!

  6. Adorable Mary and congrats on the award:)

  7. Wow! Thanks Mary and PK Hrezo for the award. That's awesome!

  8. Thank you so much, Mary! That's my virgin award. Please tell Mr. Waibel, Jr. that I think 'Fractions' is brilliant. It should be expanded into a screenplay for a horror flick.


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