Monday, August 22, 2011

You Know You're a Writer When. . .

This past weekend my family and I went on a day trip to Roseland Waterpark.  (Yes-- I did the 60' water slide that goes 30 MPH.  It was awesome!  The twisty one was not as fun for me, but I would do the white one again in a heartbeat!)

Before meandering our way through wine country (stopping to get a few bottles from some of our favorites), we went to breakfast at a local diner.  As we were leaving, I caught a glimpse of a sign that made me laugh.

It read "We are not responsible for lost articles."

Now, I know it isn't really that funny, but when I turned to my husband and our friend and said, "So, if you lose an a, an, or the, they aren't responsible," it took on a totally new meaning for me, and I thought it was funny.

What signs have you reinterpreted in a different way than they are meant?  Share in the comments.


  1. May I also add a so and a that to your list?

  2. LOL, we writers really are a strange breed! I'm a fellow campaigner and a new follower, just stopping by to say hello *waves*

  3. Came here from the Platform Building Campaign!!

    Cool Blog!!

    with warm regards
    Another Author


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