Monday, October 17, 2011

To NaNo or not to NaNo

That was the question.  Last year I participated in NaNoWriMo and "won", and with November quickly approaching this year I needed to make my decision on participation again.  It was a tough one.  See, last year I was working part time when NaNo started and easily able to write 2,000+ words a day.  Then I went full time, and well, things changed.  Some weeks I have time to write.  Others, well, not so much.  So, what to do?

I really enjoyed NaNo last year, and decided I will participate, but I will not try to kill myself to make the 50,000 word count.  I am hoping to finish with my re-writes on The Lost Princess before NaNo starts so I can focus Quest of the Hart (the predecessor to Lost Princess).

Disclaimer: I am re-writing Quest, so I will be trying to use parts that have already been written (as long as the voice fits).  I will not be counting those words in my word count.  I will only be counting the ones I write during the month.

So, how about you?  Are you NaNo-ing???


  1. I've got a blog tour in November so won't have time! Good luck with rewriting Quest!

  2. Good luck with NaNoWriMo. I've thought of doing that some time. But I barely have the time to write the ~500 words that I write in my blog every day. But I have confidence that you will come out with a "win" again this year.

  3. Not sure yet, but kudos to you if you decide to do it!! Good luck:)

  4. I've thought about this again this year. Last year was my first full year as a serious writer and I decided to pass. I have so much going on in November that I don't want to formally commit and fail. I think I'm doing the more private mental commitment. If you're interested, a few of us do that on my Facebook group WS4U! (Writers Support 4 U!) Feel free to join!

  5. Yes, I'm going to NANO. This will be my first year. I have the book in mind that I'll be working on. I know how it begins and how it ends, but the middle is killing me. I just can't wrap my mind around it. I'm hoping when the 1st gets here and I start writing it will evolve.

    Concilium, July 2012

  6. I'll be NaNoing again this year as well. I'm looking forward to it because it's such a great motivator.


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