Friday, May 20, 2011


Yesterday it felt like I had been struck by lightning when I finally realized the reason I was stuck in my current WIP.  I hadn't made a character do something they needed to do, and they were sulking.  To add further to my dilemma, I needed to change POV, and hadn't.

So, with my character doing what she needed to do, and my POV changed, I was able to get some writing done.

I probably should have realized this earlier, as these are the two most common reasons I get stuck. What have you found that gets you stuck in your writing?

Hope you all have a great weekend.  We are off to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra's Beethoven's Last Night Tour tonight.  And, maybe if it ever stops raining, we can have a meal out on the new deck (now fully stained and cured!)  See you all Monday!


  1. I get stuck on ONE SENTENCE in dialouge. I wander around talking to myself saying things like, "He wouldn't say it like be more's not it either." So frustrating.


Thanks for dropping by. I love reading comments and will respond by e-mail as soon as possible.