Thursday, December 8, 2011

First Snow

Last night we had our first measurable snowfall of the season.  Dear son woke up hoping for at least a delay, but the snow had stopped falling shortly after we sent him (begrudgingly) to bed, so no delays today.

I am feeling much more festive as I gaze out the window at the white carpet on the ground and the trees flocked with snow.  It has made me realize there are only 17 days until Christmas, and I have all my shopping yet to do!  Well, there is always the weekend and the internet!!

Hope you all have a great weekend, and that you are further ahead with your holiday plans than I am!


  1. Now it must really feel like hockey season . . . sorry I meant Christmas season. All we got was rain and a bunch of rain.

  2. We got a bunch of rain down here. But it was out of the area before the cold weather hit.

  3. I'm insanely jealous! Would love some snow down in FLA..... I won't hole my breath.
    *sending you virtual hot cocoa* :)

  4. I love that first day of snow! Everything looks so clean and beautiful.

  5. Oh, I'd feel a little more Christmasy if we had a little snow but I can wait. The cold makes me grumpy.

    And yes, I am further along in my shopping. I think I have like four more things to buy and they're optional. Know anybody that wants a DOG? He's doing that ponytail thing to me again and its getting in my crawl.


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