Thursday, September 9, 2010

Scary and exciting!

Yesterday morning, as my son got ready for his first day in fourth grade, I began my search for agent.  I agonized over the e-mail I was writing.  Did I spell the name correctly?  Did I include something persona; as to why I want to send to this agent?  Did I spell everything correctly?(this was actually a good check as I found a typo in my sample pages!)

When I had gone over my e-mail and query several times, I typed in the e-mail address and subject line, then sat staring at the send button.  My heart pounded and I waited.  And waited.  I knew if I clicked send, there was nothing more I could do but wait and see if the agent I was e-mailing liked my query enough to ask for sample pages.

Finally, after reading the e-mail again, I clicked send.  My stomach filled with butterflies and a huge grin filled my face. I had done it.  I had finally sent out a query for my YA fantasy Quest of the Hart.

As I prepared to send to two more agents, I thought I would become more at ease with the process, however, I was surprised to find that I was just as nervous with the third sending as I was with the first.

I heard back from one agent yesterday with a very pleasant thank you but no thank you, and this morning I received another pleasant thank you but no thank you in my inbox. 

As those agents said, I am not getting discouraged.  I have just begin my foray into this search.  I know there is an agent out there that is right for me.  I just have to find them.

I'll keep you posted on how the search goes.

What are your query experiences?  I look forward to seeing them in the comments!

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1 comment:

  1. Mmm... fudge!

    The first novel I queried got two partial requests before being rejected - s'okay, needs work still, and I'm going to be submitting another ms that I feel is stronger.

    I found querying addictive - terrifying at first, but then I could send out ten in a day! (Which, in hindsight, is a terrible idea... best to TEST THE WATERS!!!)

    But it taught me to stay organized, what worked and what didn't, and Query Shark is a GODSEND!

    Good luck, Mary!


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