Brrrr! Is it cold out there! I love winter, but I must admit, I am quite ready for this one to be over and the warmth and greenness of spring to arrive.
This week I have made good progress on my WIP (I almost finished a chapter in one day yesterday-- a far cry from the 4 days it took last week!) I have ideas for where I am going with my re-working of Quest, too (formerly Sleeping Handsome-- I know-- I really didn't like that title either!)
Trisha and Lindsay are making great progress on their dystopian. We all agreed on chat the other night that we eagerly await more from them each week.
Fiona has hit her stride with these latest chapters of her time-slip. They are engaging and make you want to read more!
Jackie is reworking her entire idea, so I am patiently (well, mostly patiently) waiting to see what she does.
The next two days I intend to devote time to reading through Katie's work and getting more of it back to her.
How are you WIP's going this week? Did you finish up? Are you stuck? Have you made goals for yourself? Are you meeting them? (I'm close- my goal was 2-3 chapters a week. And, for the most part, that's where I am!) I'd love to hear from you about yours!
Oh, that was nice! It was so nice to finally hear your voices this week, even though my crappy Skype kept cutting out LOL! Uh, I think my goals are being met right now but as long as we're moving forward, I'm pretty happy.